2021 Goals
Designing my lifeDesigning my life by setting goals and following them

I am a goal-setting type of girl. At the beginning of each year, I reflect on the passing one and set goals for the one to come.
Goal setting has brought me to where I am today—living a life that I designed, not one that merely happened.
I am not saying that all factors of my life are perfect, but all of them are a choice. Some of the choices need to be evaluated and changed from time to time, but over all, it´s pretty fine! 🙂
Below I share my goals for 2021; they are divided into five main goals, sub-goals and targets to reach them.
How far am I towards reaching my 2021 goals?
- Goal 1- Defend my PhD 95%
- Goal 2 – Get in Shape 30%
- Goal 3 – Be active on social media 50%
- Goal 4 – Travel with my kids 75%
- Goal 5 – Freshen up language skills 80%