About Us

Hi! We are the Diop family. An Icelandic Senegalese family of 12 (10 children and 2 grand children) that loves simple living, travel and location independence. Our life revolves around our need to travel and live a free and simple life.

We love taking photos of everyday life and new explorations, most of them we share on Instagram.

Mister Diop

Mister Diop

The daddy of the family is an African Viking willing to follow his wife around because she NEEDS to travel.
He is brought up in a village in

Africa and spent his childhood barefoot walking the African sand. At 20 years of age, he joined the army; later, he became a police officer and a trained private bodyguard. The Diop family is sure in good hands of our strong and protective daddy.

Madame Diop

Madame Diop

The mommy of the family is an Icelandic Viking that should have been born African. She has an incurable travel decease and chronic itchy feet.

She spent her childhood riding Icelandic horses on Icelandic mountains, seeking adventures and building up survival skills.

Mommy has travelled extensively during her adult life, both with and without her children. Now she has fulfilled her dream of a small and simple house in the Icelandic countryside, a dream job that allows her to travel and work remotely last but not least travel all over with her hubby and kids.

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Drop us a line if you have questions regarding our simple lifestyle, how to become location independent or our travels.

We love sharing our experience with others and will answer you with smiles on our faces.

Where are we now?